Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Teachers Have the Right to Rest: From One Burned Out Teacher to Another

By: Geena Bergen  Geena is a teacher and advocate for teachers’ health and wellbeing. After completing her degree in Elementary Education & Psychology with a concentration in Early Childhood Education from Rider University, Geena taught 2nd grade in public school for 7 years. This summer, she transitioned to virtual teaching to have more time to dedicate to diving […]

Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Rebranding the Dreaded Essay: How to Demystify Essays and Make Them Meaningful During COVID-19

Whenever students hear the word “essay,” they groan, eye roll, and plead for something, anything else.  Similarly, most adults I know remember high school or college essays they grudgingly finished just under the wire; late-night coffee, obsessive word counting, and a fair amount of teacher-specific bs-ing. It’s clear “The Essay” gets a bad rap, and […]

Using Your Teacher Expertise to Become An Educational Consultant

We’ve all been in that meeting where a “consultant” comes in to tell us how to do our job in the classroom. We’re trying to be nice, but the more they talk TO us, the more frustrated we become. The last straw is when the suggest some strategies like “just differentiate more” for your class […]

Posted inAsk a Teacher, Current Events in Education, Featured, From the Front Lines, Teacher Branding

For the Teachers Who Don't Support Other Teachers

Every week in my inbox, I receive emails from teachers who are teetering on the edge of total breakdowns. Sometimes they’re stressed about their evaluations while other times they are stressed about the ever increasing workload being put on them, but more times than not, they’re in virtual tears because they cannot feed their families. Sometimes […]

Posted inMiddle School, Principals' Corner, Teacher Branding, Uncategorized

A Teacher Who Took a Leap of Faith: Megan Mottley, Publisher of DIVINE Magazine

As the culmination of our month long articles about teacher branding, we want to highlight educators who decided to use their skills in the classroom to literally build their own brands. Today we are highlighting  Ms. Megan Mottley, Publisher of DIVINE Magazine. 1.  Give us some backgrounds of your experiences in education. I’m a former 8th Grade […]