Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Cultural Resident or Cultural Visitor – How do you identify?

Cultural Resident: Determining cultural impact through residential and intellectual mindset Merriam-Webster defines a resident as “. . . serving in a regular or full-time capacity”.  Meaning.  Moreover, visitor is defined as, “One who makes formal visits of inspection.” As an instructional leader and teacher in the GREAT city-state of Newark, I’ve had the privilege to […]

Posted inPedagogy

Finding Jungles in the City

Sparking Scientific Curiosity Through Relevance One of the problems with STEM education in the United States is its accessibility. Specifically, the inaccessibility gap between students from well-resourced schools and those without. Having AP course offerings, funding for lab materials, access to structured readiness programs, and even something as simple as an Algebra II class can […]