Posted inCollege and Career

Activists Are Needed in Education

The year: 1980 Activists in education are needed now more than ever. I was thirteen years old when I saw this coming. A smug ex-actor with Brylcreemed hair dropped a condescending line in a presidential debate. That isn’t a big deal by itself, especially when you consider how low the presidential decency bar currently is. […]

Posted inCurrent Events in Education, Featured, Opinion

The Magical Solution Illusion: How Everyone Has “The Answer” to Education

A new week, a new theory about what ails America’s educational system. America’s education system is broken. Haven’t you heard? If you haven’t, it was on the cover of Time Magazine a few weeks back. It seems teachers win tenure too fast in this country, and the unions are more interested in protecting its membership […]

Posted inFrom the Front Lines, Instruction & Curriculum, Principals' Corner, Uncategorized

Put Administrators in the Classroom!

When anyone thinks of the job of a high school principal one may  think of one who’s always in the patrolling the school’s hallway to catch students misbehaving, congratulating student athletes or assisting a teacher with a difficult students. We watch these images of administrators are all over classic movies such as cult classic, Ferris […]

Posted inElementary School, Featured, Instruction & Curriculum, Kindergarten, Opinion, Uncategorized

"White Hat" and "Black Hat" Reformers

This is a cross-post from In one of the articles linked today, Alexander Russo tells of a “former reformer” who is now, as a parent, on the receiving end of a harsh reform measure: the forced consolidation of his child’s school. I’m sympathetic. I’m also reminded that, despite the eager cruelty of some, all […]