Posted inTechnology

Incorporating Coding into the Curriculum

In the 21st century, coding has transcended its traditional boundaries, evolving from a specialized skill into a fundamental component of literacy, akin to reading and writing. The opportunity and the challenge for an educator, then, is to bake coding and computational thinking into the fabric of the curriculum as interdisciplinary tools that can enhance learning […]

Posted inSpecial Education

One Size Fits All Been Trash: Curating and cultivating mastery is the new drip

Curating and cultivating mastery is like planting seeds in a garden; it requires patience, care, and a keen eye for nurturing potential. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires special education services to support learners in three specific areas: advanced educational opportunities, employment, and increased independence. As a special education teacher, As a Teacher of […]

Posted inEnglish Language Learners

Writing in Reverse: A strategy to strengthen student writing

In the high school English classroom, one assessment continues to reign supreme: the essay. Informative, argumentative, and narrative essays have stood the test of time and for good reason. Essays allow students to showcase a multitude of skills across the common core, from research to literary analysis, creative writing to conventions. Not to mention the metacognitive […]

Unlock the Power of Data: Your invitation to a transformative virtual summit

Feeling frustrated with data in your classroom or school? Our upcoming virtual summit, Data in Education, is designed to change that. We’ll help you transform data from a source of stress into a source of power, leading to better teaching, improved student outcomes, and smarter decision-making. What to expect at the summit: Is this summit […]

Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Examining the role of privilege and audacity in stigmatizing parenting

It is a privilege to sit back and criticize someone’s parenting. And yet, as teachers, paraprofessionals, social workers, and school leaders, we often do just that. Criticize. Recently, there seems to be a reemergence of conversations on parenting in education. The blame game has been played for long enough and it’s time to stop. As […]