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Summer is ending, and another school year is just around the corner. Here’s a list of 25 summer thoughts that only teachers will understand.


2. What do you mean we have to go back already? I didn’t even get to go on vacation yet!

3. Staples and Wal-Mart better stop running those back-to-school commercials. It’s June for crying out loud.

4. Which reminds me. I better sit down with my colleagues to talk about what we’re going to do for our specialized math groups.

5. Stupid Common Core.

6. I better schedule a meeting with my legislators. They need to do something about this.

7. And our pensions. Better bring that up, too.

8. First I need a haircut. I haven’t hacked this mop since school let out.

9. Oh man, I forgot to schedule the kids, my spouse, and me for doctors’ visits. Better get on that. Tomorrow.
10. Or next week.

11. School can’t start yet. I only read one of the 273 books I ordered from Amazon

12. Got my schedule in the mail yesterday. I’m teaching with more classes / students / special ed. modifications than ever.

13.How are they going to fit everybody in here for Meet the Teachers Night?

14. Hey, Mr. Custodian, can you help me bring 12 more desks into my room?!

15. I’m not ready to pull 12-hour days again.

16. Wait – we have to incorporate more writing into my class this year?

17. I teach PE for crying out loud!

18. Man, that sun is nice. I’m going to go to the pool.

19. Right after in-service training.

20. I know I didn’t go the last five times I said I would, but I mean it this time. Seriously.

21. But first I’m going to go to my classroom. I need to re-arrange the desks.

22. And then make copies for our first unit on dinosaurs.

23. Oh man, I just made the most incredible bulletin board using the spikes of a stegosaurus’s tail and incorporated all the students’ names in it!

24. Ah crap. It’s 7:30p. Missed the pool again.

25. I’m going to try again tomorrow.

26. Can’t believe I only made in there 2x this year.

27. I have a great ice breaker in mind this year for the students. They’re going to shuffle around and ask one another about questions I generated about their personal histories and how it connects to our class.

28. Now it’s time to take my kids school shopping. Dreadddddddddddddddddding the bill.

29. Will they ever stop growing?

30. Better go and update a few parts of my wardrobe, too.

31. I ran into 4 former students at the mall. Though they look at me like a walking ghost, it was great to see them.

32. I still get butterflies the night before the first day of school; I love that feeling.

33. When I stop feeling that, I know it’s probably time to retire.

34. Just got to fine-tune my introduction speech one more time before the students enter.

35. Oh, here they come again! Let the fun begin!


Mr. Jake Miller is the 2016 National History Day Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year, a 2017 NEA Global...

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