Posted inCurrent Events in Education

Why “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Still Matters in 2017

In April 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King and several other Civil Rights activists, including the Reverend Ralph Abernathy, were arrested in Birmingham, Alabama, in the midst of a massive non-violent protest campaign against that city’s segregation practices. Dr. King ultimately spent 10 days in jail that April, and while he was there, he penned one […]

Posted inCurrent Events in Education, Featured, Instruction & Curriculum, Social Studies

Irish & African American Struggles for Freedom: Day 2 at the Organization of American Historians Conference

On Saturday, April 12, I again attended the Organization of American Historians Conference 2014 in Atlanta. Saturday was a very busy day as there were more people there than on Friday. I arrived to the conference around 10:00 AM and explored the exhibition hall. Several of the publishers represented there were giving away their stock […]