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2. Set  clear expectations of each assignment that is given.  So many of my students have never completed a research paper so everything  ranging from MLA style to creating a Works Cited page is completely foreign to them. So to further their understanding of the final project, I always show exemplars of the various parts of the assignment. I allow students to not only see the assignments but to rate the assignments according to the attached rubrics. I literally take a day and arrange my classroom like an art studio and have students do “chalk talks” where they remark the good/bad parts of the assignment. Then at the end of class we discuss what students learn and how it can impact their future paper.

For my students who are not reading or writing on grade level this exercise really opens their eyes to how big a research paper really is. Many times I will get students after class terrified of the expectations of the assignment since it weighs so heavily on their grades. I use these times to stress the need for students to pay attention in class and to attend tutorial.

Click here for tip #3.

For fifteen years Franchesca taught English/Language Arts in two urban districts in Atlanta, Georgia,...

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