Posted inAdult Learning

Should You Adjunct Teach? A Checklist for Potential Part-time Professors

Let’s not kid ourselves: The college classroom is a very different world than secondary teaching, as it should be. The material taught there is more rigorous, the students are more independent, and there is far less supervision of teaching practice, among other contrasts. The assumption at good colleges is this: If you’re proficient enough to […]

Posted inHigh School, Interviews, Opinion, Principals' Corner, The Unemployed Teacher

Transition Time: Finding the Right School Fit Over Summer

Summer means leaving a school for greener pastures for many educators, but how is one to know if the new school is going to be better? Here’s a brief checklist I’ve used during interviews in years past to figure out whether a school is a possible home or a major flop: 1. Outlook and attitude […]