Posted inCollege and Career

Activists Are Needed in Education

The year: 1980 Activists in education are needed now more than ever. I was thirteen years old when I saw this coming. A smug ex-actor with Brylcreemed hair dropped a condescending line in a presidential debate. That isn’t a big deal by itself, especially when you consider how low the presidential decency bar currently is. […]

Posted inSocial Justice

Teaching: Taking on the Moral Imperatives (Part I)

What moral imperatives? I have been thinking more about the moral imperatives of teaching. These imperatives can hinder instruction and progress. That’s why the only option is to address and hopefully resolve them. They are moral imperatives because it’s wrong to not handle them.  Preparing students academically-now that’s the job, a duty. Consultants, education experts/leaders (folks who travel around and talk about […]

Posted inSocial Justice

Failing our Poor Students: A Crisis of Morality and Character

Our schools aren’t failing, we all are. When outcomes for our poorest students are the concern, education reform advocates like to point to”failing schools”, but it’s not just about schools. It isn’t out-of-touch middle class parents, teachers and their unions, or civil rights organizations willing to challenge the “school choice” narrative. Those are only convenient scapegoats […]