Posted inConfessions of a Teacher, Current Events in Education, English Language Learners, ESOL, Featured, Opinion, Teacher Leaders

Mandy Manning Is The National Teacher of the Year We Need – And Deserve

Most Americans only know Mandy Manning, the 2018 National Teacher of the Year, by their own knee-jerk reaction to the State Teachers of the Year Award Ceremony at the White House and, of course, the political fallout that occurred thereafter. She’s a darling to those on the left, adorning her formal, floral black dress with […]

Posted inCurrent Events in Education

As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation? An Interview with an EdChoice Parent

Since 1964, no candidate has won the White House without winning Ohio. Ohio is not just a battleground state; it is a bell weather. Therefore, Ohio’s educational policies should be spotlighted as well.  Will Ohio’s voucher programs be promoted as solutions to the problems that plague public education? This recent Thanksgiving holiday brought lumpy mashed […]

Posted inClassroom Management, Common Core, Elementary School, English Language Learners, ESOL, Instruction & Curriculum, Instructional Strategies, Kindergarten, Literacy, Special Education, Technology

5 Ways to Use Emojis in the Classroom

I realized almost immediately that I wasn’t getting through to my Kindergartners… again. I asked a class full of 5-year-olds to identify feeling words, and I got the same generic responses – happy, sad, mad. Year after year, I struggle with how to teach my primary students, especially my English Language Learners, to use precise […]