Posted inCOVID-19

A Teacher’s Love-Hate-Love Relationship with Zoom

“Bing Bong.” Thirty years from now when I hear the sound of someone entering a Zoom room, I’ll have vivid memories of just how much I loved, hated, and loved about online learning through this platform. LOVE – Seeing my students Just about every day, I’m checking in with my students and seeing their faces. […]

Posted inConfessions of a Teacher

Opinion: There Are A Lot of Karens in My School Building and I’m Barely Surviving

Guest Writer: Brielle Stevens Brielle is a high school English teacher who enjoys writing, running, and traveling the world, pre-COVID.  By now, we’ve all watched the viral video of Amy Cooper in Central Park, NY, threatening to call the police and saying “that an African-American man is threatening my life” before dialing 911. The video has received […]

Posted inConfessions of a Teacher

Teachers’ Long Goodbyes…

The internet is full of teacher’s video messages to students. Recently, the English department, at the large suburban high school where I am employed, sent out a beautiful, heartfelt, and funny greeting to our students. Despite the positive messaging, there is a deep sadness that permeates the frames, as if teachers are saying:  “This has […]