Posted inFeatured, From the Front Lines, How to Fix Education, Opinion, Principals' Corner, Uncategorized

Circling the Wagons in Educational Reform

This is a cross-post from Several recent headlines have to do with the just-released MetLife Survey of the American Teacher. Reformers like Eduwonk are desperately trying to dissemble that the survey doesn’t hint strongly at the hostility of reform policies that are making tons of teachers love their jobs less and less. (Value-added ratings […]

Posted inLegal, Principals' Corner, Uncategorized

Protecting the Protectors: Limited Liability from Students’ Lawsuits

Teachers have responsibilities beyond the act of just teaching. They must participate in professional development sessions, instruct students using a variety of research-based strategies, and maintain up-to-date student records. One of the most important teacher responsibilities is to maintain a welcoming and safe learning environment. In many teacher evaluation instruments, a teacher is assessed on […]

Posted inMiddle School, Principals' Corner, Teacher Branding, Uncategorized

A Teacher Who Took a Leap of Faith: Megan Mottley, Publisher of DIVINE Magazine

As the culmination of our month long articles about teacher branding, we want to highlight educators who decided to use their skills in the classroom to literally build their own brands. Today we are highlighting  Ms. Megan Mottley, Publisher of DIVINE Magazine. 1.  Give us some backgrounds of your experiences in education. I’m a former 8th Grade […]

Posted inFeatured, Instruction & Curriculum, Opinion, Principals' Corner, Uncategorized

Use Your Holiday Break to Get Political

This summer at my first PSEA Summer Leadership Conference (our union getaway in Gettysburg, PA), I heard what was probably the most interesting speech in years. The president of Student PSEA, a college senior about to begin her student-teaching that fall, talked about politics and education. She said that, while in high school leading up […]