Posted inCurrent Events in Education

The Argument for Multi-Grade Classrooms in Today’s Schools

The idea behind having a variety of ages, or grades, in one classroom, should not be a foreign concept. On any given day, most adults interact with individuals from an assortment of populations: family members, co-workers, neighbors, service personnel, teammates, etc… Rarely outside of schools do you see individuals grouped based on a specific age. […]

Posted inCurrent Events in Education, Opinion, School Improvement

What if We Eliminated Standardized Testing?

A significant amount of research has pointed towards standardized testing causing a high level of stress in students, and teachers alike. While the merit of standardized testing can, has, and will continue to be argued over for years to come, imagine for a moment a world in which standardized testing is eliminated from K-12 education altogether. I […]

Posted inCurrent Events in Education, From the Front Lines, School Improvement, Teacher Leaders

Watch from the Balcony, Lead on the Floor

School administrators spend most of their time on the dance floor, making tactical decisions; putting out fires, dealing with discipline and making sure the buses are running on time. On occasion, administrators have the opportunity to engage in professional learning. This learning is often focused on the ‘balcony view’ of leadership; strategy, rather than tactics. […]

Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Budget Cuts? Don’t Take It Out On The Teachers – Or The Students

I spent the day today working with professional educators.  This group of experienced teachers gathered to learn more about mentoring those just entering our profession.  Technically, we’re there to participate in the California teacher credentialing program, which requires beginning teachers to partner with experienced support providers. But while I was sitting there, learning about learning-focused […]