Posted inCurrent Events in Education, Opinion, School Improvement

What if We Eliminated Standardized Testing?

A significant amount of research has pointed towards standardized testing causing a high level of stress in students, and teachers alike. While the merit of standardized testing can, has, and will continue to be argued over for years to come, imagine for a moment a world in which standardized testing is eliminated from K-12 education altogether. I […]

Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

Making the Dual Language Decision

We all know that communicating with parents is essential to being an effective educator, but when the majority of your students speak a different language at home, it becomes frustrating to have to find a translator for every single phone call. I’ve also learned, after numerous confusing emails, not to completely trust Google Translate. I […]

Posted inOpinion

Facing Student Death

I’m in total, utter shock. I just learned about the tragic passing of a former student. Upon looking at news articles about the passing of one, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the recent death of another former student. Talk about a punch in the gut: two young lives tragically plucked from the Earth when they should […]