Posted inCurrent Events in Education

Blame the Teachers: The White House is Delusional When it Comes to Reopening Schools

Yesterday, the U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos and President Donald Trump took a bold stand against school closures. After conducting decision-making meetings that supposedly included educators, students, and parents from around the country, each leader made their announcement. Devos stressed the idea that schools needed to be “fully operational” in the fall. She did […]

Posted inInstruction & Curriculum

School Closures Are Hitting Preschools Hard

“Ugg. I HATE coronavirus! I just want to go to school and places!” proclaimed fellow TER writer Katie Sluiter’s young daughter. For a preschooler who loves seeing her friends, being with her teachers, gymnastics, and swimming, our current situation is quite the challenge. This is a reality that countless parents of preschool kids are facing […]