Posted inFeatured, From the Front Lines, Middle School, New Teacher Bootcamp, Opinion, Technology

Classroom Technology: When you Can't Beat Them, Join Them

I am not a technically savvy person. At. All. I’d rather use a dry erase board than my smartboard. I’d rather hand write notes than type them. How a land line phone works fascinates me. My smart phone freaks me out. I have two iPads and several laptops available to my class to use on […]

Posted inClassroom Management, Featured, Instruction & Curriculum

Online Teaching – the New Frontier for Educators

The nature of education is fast changing, and as a result, teaching itself has begun to take many new forms.  Online schools are new avenues that more and more teachers are beginning to explore.  Like any new venture, online education must learn effective ways to incorporate skilled teaching and a variety of communication forms between […]

Posted inHow to Fix Education, Uncategorized

Gaming Dialogues Serve a Vital Purpose

The majority of homework in elementary schools and high schools tends to be practice or preparation, leaving less than 30% for integration, interpretation opportunities (Brozo, 2010). The Common Core  is shifting assessment from a focus on skills and gains of knowledge to information analysis, critical evaluation, and expression of new understanding (CCSSI; This means our […]